
双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第112期:长征三号

Long March 3 Launch Vehiclel“长征三号”运载火箭Long March 3 (LM-3) is a three-stage launch vehicle, primarily intended for sending spacecraft into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit with the GTO capacity of l. 5 metric tons and the length of 44. 56m. Th

本文摘要:Long March 3 Launch Vehiclel“长征三号”运载火箭Long March 3 (LM-3) is a three-stage launch vehicle, primarily intended for sending spacecraft into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit with the GTO capacity of l. 5 metric tons and the length of 44. 56m. Th


Long March 3 Launch Vehiclel“长征三号”运载火箭Long March 3 (LM-3) is a three-stage launch vehicle, primarily intended for sending spacecraft into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit with the GTO capacity of l. 5 metric tons and the length of 44. 56m. The diameters of the first and second stages of LM-3 are the same, 3. 35m and the third stage, 2.25m. The development of the first and second stages is based on the first and second stages of LM-2C. The first two stages burn UDMH/N204 as propellants, while the third stage of LM-3 is powered by a cryogenic engine, using liquid oxygen ( LOX) and liquid hydrogen( LH2 ) as propellants .The launch site is Xichang Space Launch Center. The C2-3 launch vehicle won a perfect success in April, 1984. The vehicle also marked the first use of a high technology upper stage. On April 7, 1990, LM-3 delivered the first foreign communication satellite, Asia Sat l, made by the U. S. Hughes Corporation, into a predetermined GTO. It was a total success and marked the real entrance of Long March launch vehicles for China into the international commercial launch service market.“长征三号”运载火箭是三级火箭,主要用作升空地球实时轨道有效载荷,装载能力为1.5吨。全长44. 56米,一、二子级直径3.35米、三子级直径2. 25米。其一、二级是在“长征二号丙”运载火箭的一、二子级的基础上研制的,用于偏二甲肼( UDMH)和四氧化二氮(N204)作为推进剂,其三子级使用了低温高能液氢( LH2)液氧(LOX)发动机。






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