
百度试水无人驾驶车 五环路测成功

Chinese search engine giant Baidu announced on Friday that its driverless car has finished road tests and succeeded in automatic driving in mixed road conditions.本周五,中国的搜索引擎巨头百度宣告,百度无人驾驶汽车已完成路测,顺利构建混合路况下的全自动驾驶。

本文摘要:Chinese search engine giant Baidu announced on Friday that its driverless car has finished road tests and succeeded in automatic driving in mixed road conditions.本周五,中国的搜索引擎巨头百度宣告,百度无人驾驶汽车已完成路测,顺利构建混合路况下的全自动驾驶。


Chinese search engine giant Baidu announced on Friday that its driverless car has finished road tests and succeeded in automatic driving in mixed road conditions.本周五,中国的搜索引擎巨头百度宣告,百度无人驾驶汽车已完成路测,顺利构建混合路况下的全自动驾驶。The test vehicle left the Baidu building in Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park and drove to the Olympic Forest Park via the G7 Beijing-Urumqi highway and the Fifth Ring Road before returning via the same route.百度无人驾驶车从中关村软件园百度大厦附近抵达,驶进G7京新的高速公路,经五环路,到达奥林匹克森林公园,随后按原路线回到。

The vehicle reached a top speed of 100km/hr during the test, according to the company.Baidu said the test was completed with a driver in the car who would take control of the vehicle in case of emergency.据百度公司称之为,无人驾驶车在测试中最低时速约100公里。百度还说道测试时车上有一名驾驶员,防止有紧急情况再次发生时能操纵车辆。


Launched in 2013, the companys driverless car project is based on the core Baidu car brain technology, which includes high-precision electronic mapping, positioning and decision-making systems.百度无人驾驶车项目于2013年跟上,其技术核心是“百度汽车大脑”,还包括高精度地图、定位、感官、智能决策与掌控四大模块。Automatic driving faces challenges in a variety of driving conditions such as bad weather and congestion, said Wang Jin, senior vice president of Baidu.“自动驾驶汽车面对驾驶员路况多样化的极大挑战,比如险恶天气和交通拥堵。” 百度高级副总裁王劲说道。

It is a great challenge to test in Beijing, a city with so many complicated road conditions, but luckily we made it, said Wang.他还说道,“在北京这种简单的路况上已完成仅有自动驾驶,挑战特别是在极大,但幸运地的是我们顺利了。”Baidu announced its plan to develop a driverless car in June. It has previously worked on semi-autonomous cars with German automaker BMW.百度公司于今年6月发布了它的无人驾驶汽车研发计划。百度之前已与德国宝马汽车公司合作,研发“辅助自动”驾驶员汽车。

The driverless car is scheduled to make its debut at the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen Township in east Chinas Zhejiang Province from Dec.16 to 18.这款无人驾驶汽车计划在12月16日-18日在中国东部浙江乌镇的世界互联网大会上首次亮相。IT companies such as Google and Apple are working with auto manufacturers including Toyota and Tesla to develop their own driverless cars. In May 2014, Google presented a concept for a driverless car without a steering wheel or pedals and unveiled a fully functioning prototype in December of that year.像谷歌和苹果这样的互联网公司也正在与汽车制造商比如丰田、特斯拉合作,以研发他们自己的无人驾驶汽车。2014年5月,谷歌公司明确提出了一个无方向盘、无操作者踏板的无人驾驶汽车概念,并于同年12月展出了一个几乎自动驾驶汽车的原型。



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