

The Facebook CEO defended his companys business model in an interview on Monday, arguing that recent criticism from his counterpart at Apple was unfounded.星期一脸书公司总裁在一次专访中为其公司的商业模式展开申辩,并主张苹果公司总裁最近对脸书的谴责是没什么依据的。

本文摘要:The Facebook CEO defended his companys business model in an interview on Monday, arguing that recent criticism from his counterpart at Apple was unfounded.星期一脸书公司总裁在一次专访中为其公司的商业模式展开申辩,并主张苹果公司总裁最近对脸书的谴责是没什么依据的。


The Facebook CEO defended his companys business model in an interview on Monday, arguing that recent criticism from his counterpart at Apple was unfounded.星期一脸书公司总裁在一次专访中为其公司的商业模式展开申辩,并主张苹果公司总裁最近对脸书的谴责是没什么依据的。Cook recently called for increased regulation of social media, and questioned the practice of monetizing user data on free platforms by selling ads that allow advertisers to target specific groups.最近库克拒绝对社交媒体强化监管,并批评这些免费平台利用用户信息盈利的作法,也就是通过为广告商定位目标客户群体来出售广告的作法。The reality here is that if you want to build a service that helps connect everyone in the world, then there are a lot of people who cant afford to pay, having an advertising-supported model is the only rational model that can support building this service, Zuckerberg said in response to Cooks criticism.扎克伯格在对此库克的谴责时回应,“如今的现实是如果你想要获取一种有助相连全球人民但许多人还开销不起的服务,建构一种以广告为承托的模式是反对这种服务建设的唯一合理的模式。”Facebook has been under intense pressure after it admitted that Cambridge Analytica, a company that worked on President Donald Trumps 2016 campaign, had accessed and improperly stored a huge trove of its user data.2016年唐纳德·特朗普参与总统竞选的时候,为其服务的Cambridge Analytica公司(英国一家数据分析公司)提供并非法储存了大量脸书用户的信息。

在脸书公司否认了这一事实之后,该公司面对着极大的压力。Cook was asked last month how he would handle the crisis.上个月库克被问到他不会如何处置这样的危机。I wouldnt be in this situation, the Apple CEO told reporters.“我会让这样的事情再次发生,”苹果公司总裁告诉他记者。The truth is, we could make a ton of money if we monetized our customer — if our customer was our product, he said. Weve elected not to do that.“事实上,如果我们的顾客是我们的产品,如果我们利用用户信息盈利,我们可以赚到很多钱,”他说。

“但我们自由选择不这样做到。”Apple makes the vast majority of its money selling hardware, including iPhones, iPads and Macs. Facebook, on the other hand, has built an entire business on selling ads that target users based on information they provide.苹果公司主要通过出售苹果手机、平板电脑和一体机等硬件设备盈利,而脸书公司的所有业务则基于广告销售,他们为客户获取信息,并以此为其定位目标用户。Cook called privacy a human right and a civil liberty during his interview. When all of a sudden something is chasing me around the web, Cook said, he finds it creepy.在专访中,库克把隐私称作一种“人权”和“公民自由”。他回应,“当某个东西忽然在网络上跟踪我的时候,我实在很可怕。

”Zuckerberg said, however, that Facebook is dedicated serving people, despite its reliance on advertising.然而,扎克伯格回应虽然脸书靠广告盈利,但脸书致力于“为人民服务”。If you want to build a service which is not just serving rich people, then you need to have something that people can afford, Zuckerberg said.“如果你想要获取一种某种程度为富人所用的服务,那你就必须有人们能负担得起的东西,”扎克伯格说。I think its important that we dont all get Stockholm Syndrome and let the companies that work hard to charge you more convince you that they actually care more about you, he added.“我指出,最重要的是,我们不要都患上斯德哥尔摩综合症,坚信那些希望从你身上赚的公司知道更加关心你,”他补足道。



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