

A self-driving car being tested by Google struck a public bus on a city street in Mountain View, Calif. The tech company’s vehicles have been involved in more than a dozen minor accidents, but this fender-bender may represent the first tim

本文摘要:A self-driving car being tested by Google struck a public bus on a city street in Mountain View, Calif. The tech company’s vehicles have been involved in more than a dozen minor accidents, but this fender-bender may represent the first tim


A self-driving car being tested by Google struck a public bus on a city street in Mountain View, Calif. The tech company’s vehicles have been involved in more than a dozen minor accidents, but this fender-bender may represent the first time that a Google car has caused an accident. A report from Google on the Feb. 14 episode was posted online Monday by California’s Department of Motor Vehicles. Google’s car was moving at less than two miles an hour and the bus at 15 m.p.h. No one was injured. The report does not address fault, but Google wrote that its car was trying to get around some sandbags when its left front struck the right side of the bus. Google did not have immediate comment. 加利福尼亚山景城,一辆于是以展开测试的谷歌无人驾驶汽车在城市车道上与公交车撞。谷歌无人车自上路测试以来已再次发生十多起小型交通事故,而这场小车祸则有可能是首次由无人车引起的车祸。加州车管局周一透露了一份由谷歌编写的报告,事故再次发生在2月14日,当时谷歌无人车的车速高于2英里每小时,公交的车速也不过15英里每小时,因此事故中无人伤势。这份文件未认为过错方,但谷歌写到,无人车是为了防止撞到上的沙袋才与公交车撞。




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