

Chinas first artificial intelligent (AI) coffee shop made its debut in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, indicating AI has walked closer to peoples life.中国首家人工智能咖啡店于日前在南方城市深圳亮相,这意味著人工智能和我们的日常生活回头得更加将近了。

本文摘要:Chinas first artificial intelligent (AI) coffee shop made its debut in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, indicating AI has walked closer to peoples life.中国首家人工智能咖啡店于日前在南方城市深圳亮相,这意味著人工智能和我们的日常生活回头得更加将近了。


Chinas first artificial intelligent (AI) coffee shop made its debut in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, indicating AI has walked closer to peoples life.中国首家人工智能咖啡店于日前在南方城市深圳亮相,这意味著人工智能和我们的日常生活回头得更加将近了。The coffee shop, a creative space that offers unmanned services and other functions of AI, was co-built by Chinas largest intelligent hardware innovation and start-up platform IngDan and US-based robot design company Rethink Robotics.这家咖啡店是由中国仅次于的智能硬件创意和创业平台“硬蛋”,以及美国机器人设计公司Rethink Robotics联合打造出的,该创新空间获取了无人化服务以及人工智能的其他一些功能。Visitors are thrilled to see robot coffee masters make coffee and robot waiters serve, while things such as voice-controlled lights and audio devices wow them as well.看见机器人咖啡师制作咖啡、机器人服务员服务,顾客们都十分激动,而诸如声控灯和音频设备之类的东西也让他们惊叹不已。

The creative coffee shop has attracted many people who want to experience robot services, with some saying the coffee had the flavor of intelligence.这家创新咖啡店更有了很多想要体验机器人服务的人,有人说道店内的咖啡“有智能的味道”。The robots can interact with customers and express happiness if their services are appreciated.此外,这里的机器人还可以与顾客对话,如果他们的服务获得赞美,就不会展现出出有高兴的样子。

Artificial intelligence is being applied to a wider range of fields nowadays, said a person in charge of the experience center, disclosing that AI restaurants, bedrooms, study rooms, and other products will come out in future.人工智能目前于是以应用于更加普遍的领域,该体验中心的一名负责人透漏,在未来,人工智能餐厅、卧室、书房等其他产品也将不会发售。



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